Event Steward’s Handbook

​1.​ Purpose

This document provides Lochac Event Stewards with an overview of:

  1. The mandatory requirements for events in Lochac; these must be followed
  2. Guidance regarding common ways to ensure a positive and successful event; these should be followed

While common mandatory requirements have been included, there may be others from mundane law, site requirements and SCA Ltd or SCANZ policy that are applicable to certain event activities. These may also change from time to time (eg. jurisdictional COVID requirements) so please ensure you check when preparing for your event.

​2.​ Scope

This document covers all events in the Kingdom of Lochac. Care has been taken to separate jurisdictional and legal entity requirements (SCA NZ Inc and SCA Ltd).

This document doesn’t apply to organising and running regular activities, such as weekly fighter practices, although some elements may be applicable.

You should consult the Crown Events Handbook if you are planning a Crown Tourney or Coronation event, and some of its additional “dressing” and resource ideas are helpful for any event, especially more elaborate ones.

3. Event management process

Events are managed through a sequence of stages to ensure appropriate planning and oversight:

Stage Checklist
Event planning & proposal

Section 4.

Team members & responsiblities

Timing & Event Schedule

Venue availability, pencil booking

Budget with breakdowns

Food, including allergy management

Activities, including required roles

Risk assessment, associated plan

Consultation & checking

Formal proposal prepared

Event review & approval

Section 5.

Proposal presented

Council discussion, review

Any modifications

Seneschal & Reeve approval

Lochac Event Proposal Form

Event preparation

Section 6.



Food purchase & preparation

On-the-day event management

Section 7.

desk, forms

At event payments, cash handling process

Incident/emergency management & response

Event reporting

Section 8.

Actual budget income & expenditure

Cash reconciliation

Steward and sub-steward reports


​4.​ Event planning & proposal

​4.1.​ Concept and initial event proposal

Events must only proceed with the endorsement of the local group Seneschal and Reeve, along with the approval of the respective group Council meeting.

An Event Proposal Template is available here.

An event proposal must provide the following:

    • Event name
    • Event description (e.g. the concept or theme)
    • Date/s and time/s, including site open/close times:
      • Events cannot clash with Crown Events (ie Coronation or Crown Tourney) if within a 500km radius of the Crown Event unless expressly permitted by the Crown.
        Requirement – Kingdom Law
    •  Venue/s:
      • Check the venue is available for the proposed event dates
      • Find out the costs of venue hire and any cancellation fees and timeframes
      • If the event is a Virtual event, provide details on any software that will be used
    • Budget (a template is available here); the budget must cover:
      • Attendance Fees
        • Within Australia and New Zealand there are rules around free entry; consult with your Reeve for details applicable to your group.
      • Estimated expenditure
        • Kingdom Levy for all adult attendees
          Requirement – Kingdom Law
  • Event membership/insurance – only for non-member attendees
    Requirement – SCA Ltd and SCA NZ Financial policies
      • GST  where applicable
        Requirement –  Mundane Law in Aus and NZ, noted in SCA Ltd Financial Policy
      • Venue cost
      • Foodstuffs
      • Consumables (eg: candles)
      • Decorations
      • Any purchased items that would become group assets; significant capital assets must not be purchased as part of an event budget, but approved and paid for separately
    • Estimated potential profit and loss at incremental attendance numbers, showing the break-even point
  • Activities, such as:
    • Tournament details
    • A&S workshops or competitions
    • Children’s activities
  • Proposed timetable
  • Royal visit details, if applicable
  • Event steward and team setup
    • If any roles require certifications or authorisations, such as Armored Combat Marshal, working with children or Food Handling certificates, it would be good to note it in this section
  • Details on any proposed live streaming
    Requirement – SCA Ltd (Aus only) Live Streaming Policy
  • Advertising and communication plan: this must include more than just Facebook announcements as not all SCA members use any specific commercial platform
  • Risk Assessment
    Requirement – SCA Ltd (Aus only) COVID-19 Response Plan

    • Details on how to manage any high risks identified should be mentioned in the proposal. Example: COVID-19 measures.
    • A template is available here. This template has:
      • common activities and subsequent risks and expected risk levels; Event Stewards may add or remove activities and adjust risk levels, and/or add additional controls
      • templates for specific activity and event types

The Event Steward may approach the relevant Seneschal, Reeve, B&B or experienced Stewards for assistance in developing a proposal before submitting it to a Council meeting.  The less experienced you are and the more novel or innovative your proposal is, the more important and helpful such prior consultation will be.

​4.2.​ Crown events

Crown events include Coronations and Crown Tournaments.

Detailed information regarding stewarding Crown events is available in the Crown Event Handbook.

5.​ Event proposal review and approval

Events must not proceed without first receiving approval from the relevant group Seneschal.

5.1.​ Event proposal review

Event proposals should be submitted to the Seneschal in advance of a formal Branch (Council) meeting.

The Council will discuss the proposal and potentially ask for clarification or changes to the proposal. This is also an opportunity for the Reeve, B&B, other group officers and group membership to help determine if the event is financially viable with the proposed budget. During this discussion the proposal may be returned for changes or rejected if it is unsuitable as presented.

Each group may have different processes in how proposed events are passed through the Council, but it is essentially a group endorsement that the event should go ahead. Some Councils may allow online approvals in special or urgent situations. Some councils may exempt certain types of events (e.g. events with no expenditure).

Final approval sits with the Seneschal of the group via the Seneschals Database. If the Seneschal is also the Event Steward and there is significant dissension at Council level, their upline, i.e. the Kingdom Seneschal, may be asked to consider whether approval should be granted.

The outcome, along with a copy of the event proposal, should be documented in the Council meeting minutes.

5.2.​ Event proposal approval

SCA events may only be run if they are sponsored by an official branch of the SCA.
Requirement – Corpora

Any event that has expenditure must be approved by the Council (Aus, NZ) and/or Financial Committee (NZ).
Requirement – SCA Ltd (Aus) Financial Policy, SCANZ (NZ) Financial Policy

Formal approval is granted via the Lochac Seneschal’s Event Proposal form. Event Stewards must ensure that this has been submitted well in advance of the event, and approved by the group Seneschal.

Approval can be withdrawn by the group Seneschal at any point prior to or during the event.

​6.​ Event Preparation

​6.1.​ Event notification

Approved events submitted through the Event Proposal form are automatically included in Pegasus and notices disseminated via the Lochac Announce email list.

Event Stewards should also disseminate regular communication to local groups about any upcoming events, via a range of media – do not rely on just one channel!

6.2.​ Appointing Event Team Roles

The Event Steward can perform any event role as long as they are suitably qualified where such requirements exist.

Whilst not required, it is a good idea to appoint a Deputy Steward in case the Event Steward becomes unavailable.

Specific stewarding team roles do not need to be held by the group’s regular officer for that activity, and individuals may hold multiple roles.

The following roles must be appointed and present before each activity can occur:
Requirement – Lochac Combat handbook

Activity Role
Martial Activities Event Marshal-in-charge
Armoured combat Armoured Combat Marshal
Target archery Archery Marshal
Fencing Fencing Marshal
Equestrian Equestrian Marshal
Youth Combat Youth Combat Marshal
Tournament List keeper
Food (excluding BYO and coffee/tea) Feast/Repast Steward
Paid entry Bookings officer, Gatekeeper
More than 60 people, or high risk activities being conducted (e.g. war scenarios) Event Chirurgeon
Arts and Sciences competition Arts and Sciences Coordinator

Do not assume that a group’s regular officer will coordinate an activity that matches their office – explicitly ask them, even if they habitually fill such roles. But in the latter case, do let them know well ahead of time if you plan to appoint someone else for that role at your event.

There also optional roles, which may include:

Activity Role
Royal attendance Royal Liaison
Children’s Activities Children’s Activities Coordinator*
Significant public attention Event Chatelaine or Hospitaller
Alcohol service Tavern keeper
Large numbers of activities Timetabler
Market Stalls Merchant Coordinator
Entertainment & Dancing Entertainment Coordinator
Overnight stay Event Constable

* Note: some jurisdictions may require Working with Children checks for these activities.

​The Event Steward should meet with the event team and discuss the vision, timeline and risk assessment for the event prior to commencement.

6.3.​ Expenditure management

Adjustments to the event budget expenditure must be approved at a Council meeting.

Tax receipts must be kept for any approved expenditure and, in Australia due to firm GST requirements, must only include approved expenses.
Requirement – SCA Ltd (Aus) Financial Policy

Receipts should be:

  • readable
  • scanned-in or photographed and sent to the local Reeve in a timely fashion
  • preferably should only include items for which you are seeking reimbursement
    Cross out or clearly identify any personal items bought on the same receipt.
    In Australia, due to GST rules, the GST will be forfeited from reimbursement if personal items are on the receipt even if they are crossed out.
  • reimbursements can only be made after a receipt or invoice has been handed to the Reeve
  • if no receipt is available, a Statutory Declaration must be provided
    Any time a statutory declaration is used, the Chancellor of the Exchequer must be informed.

Any asset purchased from the event budget remains an asset of the group.

Cash advances can be provided to an individual to pay for items approved in the budget.  Cash advances must be approved by the group Council – or at least the Seneschal and Reeve – before being provided. Any unused money must be refunded to the group. All used money must be accounted for with receipts or invoices.  If this can’t be done, a Statutory Declaration is required and the Chancellor of the Exchequer must be informed.

6.4. Bookings

Due to the need to align payments with bookings, the Bookings Officer should be in regular contact with the group’s Reeve.

6.5. Providing food

Food provision laws can vary on Country, State and Council lines and must be adhered to.

Requirement – Mundane Law where applicable

6.5.1. Australian Events

Food Safety Standard 3.2.2A came into effect in December 2023 in Australia however food provision is not captured by these new regulations, and no further action needs to be taken by groups or officers regarding these standards.

Additionally, no person operating under the banner of the SCA Ltd may sell food to members of the public or those who are not otherwise ticketed attendees of an SCA event. This is to prevent our accidental capture by these regulations, and covers such activities as selling of medieval food at demos and faires.

Individuals or businesses operating at SCA events but under their own banner (such as businesses selling food at Rowany Festival) are not operating as part of the SCA Ltd, and must determine for themselves how these new regulations apply to them.

6.5.2. New Zealand Events

There are no food provision laws in New Zealand that are likely to apply at SCA events.

Individuals or businesses operating at SCA events but under their own banner (such as businesses selling food at Rowany Festival) are not operating as part of the SCANZ, and must determine for themselves how these new regulations apply to them.

 6.5.3.Providing alcohol

It’s important to understand and comply with liquor license laws for each State or Country. Requirement – Mundane Law

6.6. Food Risk Management

Section 6.6 outlines additional information on managing risks arising from providing food at events.

​6.6.1 Food Handling

Groups are actively encouraged to assist group members acquire the relevant training (such as food safety supervisor training) as this, similar to first aid training by group members, can greatly improve safety of all participants. A good starting point that can be accessed online is the Do Food Safely training.

As a minimum you should ensure that you have on site access to:

  • Handwashing facilities
  • Safe food storage, i.e. refrigeration or eskies/ice boxes and closed storage boxes Ensure food is not left out longer than safe to do so.
  • Enough equipment to ensure there is no cross contamination ie. multiple chopping boards, knives, serving trays or bowls and utensils
  • Equipment cleaning facilities i.e. hot water and dish soap
  • First aid kit and gloves

There are multiple options for food service including individual portions, self-serve buffet, table service and cafeteria style (buffet with specific servers). Different service styles will be appropriate in different circumstances in regards to risk and efficiencies.

​6.6.2.​ Allergy Management and Dietary Restrictions

There are a number of dietary requirements and allergies that you need to be aware of when preparing food. Participants are usually asked about any dietary requirements during the booking process.

While it can be difficult to cater to all dietary requirements, there are basic protocols that should be followed.

  • Have ingredient lists available for all menu items, including any pre-packaged processed items; these lists should be available at the kitchen and food service area as well as a copy at the sign-in table
  • Ensure there is no cross contamination of food items, particularly identified allergens, during the pre-preparation, preparation and food service stages
    • Wash equipment such as knives and chopping boards after each use
    • Keep ingredients separate for each menu item or ensure sealed packaging
    • Wash hands or change gloves between preparing each dish
    • Keep utensils for each dish separate
  • Provide an off-board booking option for people whose dietary requirements cannot be met

​7. On-the-day event management

​7.1. Sign in

Attendance must be recorded using the correct forms outlined here.

In Australia, minors being accompanied by a caregiver may only attend with a completed  Australia Nomination of Caregiver form and guidance.
Requirement – SCA Ltd Child Protection Policy

The SCA Ltd Code of Conduct must be displayed
Requirement – SCA Ltd (Aus) Code of Conduct

In New Zealand, minors must all be signed in using the Minors’ Sign-up Sheet, which includes Caregiver information.

Requirement – SCA NZ Children and Young People Policy

7.2.​ Digital sign-in options

See Gatekeeper for help with sign-in and reporting for larger events.

​7.3. Cash handling

Wherever possible, try to minimise cash handling at events as it presents a logistical load and security issue. Strongly encourage advance booking and electronic payment.

Cash received at Australian events must be tallied each day of the event  and signed by the Gatekeeper.

Requirement: SCA Ltd Financial Policy

This tally needs to be countersigned by another member, preferably the Reeve. Counter signatures may not be done by a family member or spouse. If the Reeve has not countersigned, they must check it when they take receipt to ensure that it adds up.

Cash payments must not be handled by the Reeve until the daily tally is done unless countersigned by another member in good standing, preferably a group officer. This is because the Reeve is meant to check over the tally and ensure it adds up.

For Australian events, by law, cash payments must be accepted if payment on the day is expected. If this is the case a suitable float should be provided using the group’s money that is withdrawn using a cash advance. This, like all cash advances, must be approved by the group prior to withdrawal.

Any money collected on the day must be deposited within three days of the event. Float money should be banked separately to cash payments and donations. If the money can’t be banked by this time the Chancellor of the Exchequer must be informed.

Any money stored must be kept in a secure location (e.g.  within a lock box).  When money is not in use, it should be kept out of sight from all but the Gatekeeper, Event Steward, or group Reeve.  Money must not be stored at an unmanned gate or sign-in desk.

Cash takings must not be used to purchase anything until after it has been banked.

Donations must be exactly that, donations. If a payment is required, it is not a donation.

7.4. Incidents and emergencies

7.4.1. Incident and emergency response

While good risk management can reduce or even eliminate risks, it is still possible for things to go wrong on the day. The Event Steward and their nominated event team are responsible for ensuring that, so far as reasonable, steps are taken to prevent further harm by:

  • Addressing any immediate welfare concerns by:
    • directly neutralising the source of the threat (e.g. use extinguisher on fire)
    • preventing any further harm to workers (applying first aid, evacuating people, ceasing activities and isolating the affected area/s)
  • Escalating control to the highest appropriate authority (in an emergency, this is likely to be the relevant emergency service)
  • Securing (e.g. prevent unauthorised entry) and preserving (e.g. prevent disturbance) the scene of any incident that may subsequently require police investigation;
  • Gathering evidence to support any subsequent investigation (e.g. photographs, witness details)

7.4.2. Emergency reporting

If emergency services were notified or attended the site, the Event Steward must:

8. Post-Event Follow-up

​8.1.​ Sign-in sheets

Copies of the sign-in sheets must be sent to the group Reeve.

​8.2. Reimbursement

Any approved out-of-pocket expenses must be reimbursed upon receipt of adequate receipts. Requirement – SCA Ltd (Aus) Financial Policy, SCANZ  (NZ) Financial Policy

​8.3.​ Event Steward’s Report

Following the event, the Event Steward should compile an event report. A template for compiling an event report is available here.

The Event Steward’s Report should include:

  • Event name
  • Steward’s name and the event team
  • Event date/s and time/s
  • Venue
  • Number of attendees (members and non members, broken down into adults and minors)
  • Budget that includes income and expenditure
  • Any incidents that arose (de-identified if published)
  • A summary of activities and any highlights or challenges, eg. Tournament & Competition Victors, Peerage Ceremonies
  • Any recommendations on how the event could be run better next time

​8.4. Event team role reports

Each of the following team members will also need to write a report:

Activity Role
Armoured combat Event Marshal-in-charge
Target archery Archery Marshal-in-charge
Fencing Fencing Marshal-in-charge
Tournament List keeper
Food (excluding BYO and coffee/tea) Feast steward
Paid entry Bookings officer and constable
More than 60 people Chirurgeon
Overnight stay Constable

This should be sent to the Event Steward and, in some cases, also to the relevant group officer.

The relevant group officer can supply a template for their reporting requirements.

​8.5. Incident and hazard reporting

Any person can report incidents or hazards using the Lochac Incident and Hazard Report.


​9. Policy and Procedure Resources

SCA Governing Documents (Corpora)

SCANZ Policies

SCA Ltd Policies

Lochac Kingdom Law

SCA Ltd COVID-19 Response Plan

Lochac Procedures Manual

Lochac Events Resources : includes link to Risk Assessment Template

Lochac Marshal Resources : includes Marshallate handbooks

Constable Resources : includes Australia and NZ Sign in and indemnity forms

10.​ Definitions

Emergency – An incident with potentially life-threatening consequences.

Event approval – The process of confirming that an event will proceed. This is important to:

  • Ensure that the key points needed for event approval can be easily referenced at a group’s Council meeting
  • Provide for future reference: Agendas and minutes are used as a transparent reference for all members of the local group about what event details and expenditure were approved. For example, this information is needed for the Reeve to match approved expenditure with receipts/invoices.
  • Prevent conflict: Sometimes there is mismatch between what the event steward and Council thought was approved and what was actually approved. Having your event proposal attached to the agenda improves clarity for all, saves time chasing up details, and prevents misunderstandings.

Event proposal –  a document detailing the event concept, budget, stewarding team, timetable and other important details

Event report – a formal report on the outcome of the event.

Event roles – Event roles are responsible for coordinating event activities and managing risks that may arise during activities they oversee. All event roles principally report to the Event Steward.

Event Steward – A delegate of the Group Seneschal who has the authority to make decisions about the general conduct of an event.

Incident – A specific occurrence, such as a tree falling, with the potential to cause harm.

​11.​ Additional Resources





​12.1.​ Acknowledgments:

Lady Gwenhwyfar ferch Elena

Lord Nicodemus Novello

THL Gabrielle Hamilton

Count Gilbert Purchase and other members of the IRL team

Combined Might of the Seneschals of Lochac


By Lochac Seneschal | Link