Officer Warrants

From September 2021 onwards: the Regnumator system provides all the warrant information and management required in Lochac, including completion of a privacy agreement. The only exception is Kingdom Officers with Society (typically US-based) uplines who explicitly request a warrant form. All other officers at all levels can disregard this page and the associated form.


Kingdom and Group officers act on behalf of the SCA and its local incorporations. Most also work with confidential information, sometimes including personal information about members.

For those reasons, every new officer needs to submit a properly-completed warrant form which states their office, tenure, and who authorised their appointment. The form also includes an acknowledgement of the privacy and confidentiality requirements of the Australia and New Zealand incorporations, which you must sign in order to become an SCA officer in Lochac.

Signatures in the warrant are electronic – they require only typing in your name and date and, where applicable, office. To complete the warrant electronically, you must be able to edit a Word document, whether directly or via an alternative system – if you have any difficulty with that, please contact your appointing officer.

So please do this:

  • Download this Officer Warrant form (Jul 2021 v0.3)
  • Edit it to include the personal details it requests, along with your office, branch and tenure start and end dates (if in doubt, ask the appointing officer to complete those)
  • Sign the acknowledgement at the end by typing in your name and date.
  • Send it to the first appointing officer listed for your type of officer in the “Required signatures” section, and ask them to forward it to the next person in the chain.
  • The Seneschal in each chain should see that you receive a fully completed copy, and that a copy is safely filed – please contact them if you do not receive your own completed copy within a week.

If you have any questions about warrant forms,please contact the Kingdom Seneschal.

By Lochac Seneschal | Link